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Fertile Minds Radio | How to Savor the Wait

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2023

There is so much waiting in a fertility journey, and because we really never know how long it will take to hold that healthy baby in our arms, I think this is one of the greatest skills you can learn for the micro of the two week wait to the macro of the entirety of completing your family.  

In this episode you will learn...

- What to do when you feel in a hurry to get pregnant.

- What delay discounting is and how to know when you are doing it.

- Learn to understand which part of your brain is guiding your decision making process.

- The understanding of possiblity thinking vs probability.

- The stats on falling pregnant that are often glossed over.

When you get good at delaying gratification and disciplining yourself with healthy habits that make you feel good from a place of self love, from a place of training your brain and taking care of your body, and not because you think they will yield a baby, you can enjoy the wait of any journey in life, even falling pregnant. We call...

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The TCM Practitioner Might Be the Original Life Coach- Here's Why

Life coaching is a relatively new career in the sense that even as little as 10 years ago, if you wouldn't have told someone at a dinner party that you were life coach, you would have gotten a lot of confused looks and inquiries asking you to define what exactly that meant? Fast forward to 2022 and you are more likely to hear at least one person, if not a few, admit that they have had a coach whether it be for life in general, business or wellness. At last, the vocation of coach has entered into the mainstream of our societal lexicon outside of sports, even though it is not a new concept or career.

I will fully admit, that the first time I heard the term life coach, I gently scoffed and thought, why would I ever hire someone to help me do life? After all, I know me best. Turns out I did hire a life coach, but about five years after being introduced to the term, due to my own stubbornness. Imagine my surprise when I realized, not only was life coaching life changing and completely...

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Navigating Relationships With Your Prenatal Providers

Pregnancy and birth truly are a one of a kind experience. There's nothing quite like it. Forty weeks of gestation followed by a birth of an unknown length and possible interventions can naturally spark a lot of questions and even fears for a soon to be mama. This is often especially true if this is your first pregnancy or you have had past pregnancies that sadly may not have had the outcomes you had hoped for. Cultivating a relationship of trust with your providers can be one of the best tools for overcoming any fears or anxieties that may pop up along the way. 

Here are my 5 tips for getting the most out of your relationships with your OB's and midwives right from the start. 

  1. Treat your first visit like a business meeting and don't be afraid to interview them. 

Picking an OB, midwife or large practice to provide you with prenatal and birthing support is often one of the most overlooked parts of the birthing process. Many women will opt to stay with the OB they have...

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Using Natural Treatment Strategies Wisely for Endometriosis When Trying to Conceive

You may have heard of an elusive condition that could be causing your infertility called Endometriosis. This article will define what it is, the theories behind its evolution, why it takes so damn long to diagnose it, how it may be impacting your fertility negatively, how it could cause complications when you do get pregnant, and how to manage endometriosis naturally.

What is Endometriosis?

In several western medical texts Endometriosis is defined as the following. Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent, benign, inflammatory disease that affects women during their premenarcheal, reproductive, and postmenopausal hormonal stages. It is characterized by the presence and growth of endometrial tissue in locations outside of the uterus. These endometrial growths are typically seen on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, bladder, peritoneal tissue, the ligaments and other structures of the abdominal cavity. It is also rare, but possible that these growths occur outside the abdominal...

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What Does Meditation Have to Do With Trying to Conceive?

Why should you meditate when trying to conceive? Here is the simple easy to digest answer. When you are stressed, even in low grade fight or flight, our sex hormones drop. Our brain tells our body that our surroundings are not safe enough to create and sustain life so it short circuits our hormones before we can even try. When you meditate 15-30 minutes a day, you actually move your nervous system from fight or flight into a state known as rest and digest or breed and feed sending the message to your body that all is well and normal programming can begin again. Your body wants to create life, just not in the face of stress. The problem is, the reptilian part of our brain that sounds the stress alarm bells and ceases hormonal production hasn’t caught up with modern day society. It thinks your email dinger or that doctors appointment you have scheduled is the equivalent to a saber tooth tiger waiting to make you lunch. After 8 weeks of meditation your brain actually starts to...

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Can Your Birth Story Shape How You Parent?

It has been said that your birth story dictates how you will parent. It is the essentially the fractal that plants the seed for how you will FEEL about mothering. At first blush it can seem like an overwhelming concept, but if you think about it in generalities it’s simplicity shines through. For most of us, our thoughts dictate our feelings which dictate our actions and actions give rise to our results or circumstance. 

Preparing for birth and all of its wonder can make the difference during birth, whether you feel empowered on your new journey as a parent, able to go with the flow and present in most moments or as if you are being told what to do and barely managing. I don’t know about you, but the former sounds much better than the latter as a trajectory into motherhood. So how does one prepare for such a magical event of which we have seemingly so little control?

The truth is, we are never fully prepared for what will be the uniqueness of our birth story and...

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Post Partum Depression & Anxiety

Depression is hard enough whether you're struggling with it as a teenager or an adult. The worst possible time to experience depression however, is just after having a baby, otherwise known as postpartum depression. Mental illness has always had a stigma, but I argue that the greatest stigma of mental illness surrounds postpartum depression and the under diagnosed postpartum anxiety. So many women experience it, yet rarely do they speak up about it or seek help--especially in the beginning stages. 

Most women don't talk about the difficulty that they are faced with and their "fourth trimester." There is an internal expectation for so many that mothers are just supposed to love every second of it and, if they don't, there must be something organically wrong with them! So women put their feelings in the shame cave and and try to pretend they are not there. It's my experience, however, that many women are relieved to hear when they visit my office that it's normal to have...

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Fertile Minds Radio Ep 107 | WHY PLEASURE MATTERS | With Sex Coach Danielle Savory

Fertility challenges, mothering. trauma, and conditioning can absolutely get in the way of pleasure. And pleasure is what lights you up and makes this whole life worth living. So what is a girl to do? Join me as I pick the big beautiful brain of Sex Coach, Danielle Savory, and she shares her tips for creating more pleasure and drops some knowledge on how our bodies and minds work to keep us safe and to light us up. If you love our guest as much as I do, head over to and see how she can help you reclaim your sexiest most lit up self.


Links to take you further

Find Danielle @ and get on her email list.

Join her group coaching program Turned on Woman here.

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Fertile Minds Radio Ep 106 | Mindful Moment | Guided Practice for Making Difficult Decisions

When making hard decisions it can feel paralyzing, as if one decision could derail our entire life. You may be asked to make incredibly hard decisions on a path to becoming a parent so I created this for you. It is one of my favorite time out of thinking exercises I use to get in touch with my higher self when I am struggle to make the "right" decision. Enjoy! P.S. Please do not listen to this while driving or operating heavy machinery. Save it for a time when you can listen and be open to all that your mind and body have to offer you.



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Fertile Minds Radio Ep 105 | Decision Fatigue & Tips to prevent it

Decision fatigue describes how our decision-making gets worse as we make additional choices and our cognitive abilities get worn out. Decision fatigue is the reason we feel overwhelmed when we have too many choices to make, especially in the absence of resources. The phenomena of decision fatigue can affect even the most rational and intelligent individuals, as everyone can become mentally exhausted. The more decisions made throughout the day, the harder each decision becomes for us. Eventually, the brain looks for shortcuts to circumvent decision fatigue, leading to poor decision-making. While this is typically a business concept it is rampant in the fertility & parenting world because of the sheer number and weight of each decision we are asked to make on a daily basis.

Finding yourself in torturous indecision about whether you should join Conscious Conceptions? Let's clear that up together on a call.

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