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Can Your Birth Story Shape How You Parent?

It has been said that your birth story dictates how you will parent. It is the essentially the fractal that plants the seed for how you will FEEL about mothering. At first blush it can seem like an overwhelming concept, but if you think about it in generalities it’s simplicity shines through. For most of us, our thoughts dictate our feelings which dictate our actions and actions give rise to our results or circumstance. 

Preparing for birth and all of its wonder can make the difference during birth, whether you feel empowered on your new journey as a parent, able to go with the flow and present in most moments or as if you are being told what to do and barely managing. I don’t know about you, but the former sounds much better than the latter as a trajectory into motherhood. So how does one prepare for such a magical event of which we have seemingly so little control?

The truth is, we are never fully prepared for what will be the uniqueness of our birth story and...

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