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Navigating Relationships With Your Prenatal Providers

Pregnancy and birth truly are a one of a kind experience. There's nothing quite like it. Forty weeks of gestation followed by a birth of an unknown length and possible interventions can naturally spark a lot of questions and even fears for a soon to be mama. This is often especially true if this is your first pregnancy or you have had past pregnancies that sadly may not have had the outcomes you had hoped for. Cultivating a relationship of trust with your providers can be one of the best tools for overcoming any fears or anxieties that may pop up along the way. 

Here are my 5 tips for getting the most out of your relationships with your OB's and midwives right from the start. 

  1. Treat your first visit like a business meeting and don't be afraid to interview them. 

Picking an OB, midwife or large practice to provide you with prenatal and birthing support is often one of the most overlooked parts of the birthing process. Many women will opt to stay with the OB they have...

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The Purpose of Community

Have you ever had the deep inkling that you needed to be in community with women of various stages in their lives, BUT when the time to join came you backed out?

Maybe you had thoughts like....

They won't get me and I'll feel worse.

My fertility or parenting problems are so unique no one will understand. 

I'm terrified to show up and really be seen for who I am.

I don't want to be told what to do.

Listening to someone else complain is going to make me feel worse, better stay in the cave.

Those are all normal thoughts when we entertain the idea of joining a new group or are seeking support. 

They are normal because brains are wired to scare you back into the cave of isolation where it is safe and familiar.

Your brain would rather manage uncomfortable thoughts and emotions because they are habit, then risk rejection or the anxiety of change that comes from growth. ALL brains!

I'm inviting you purposely get uncomfortable with me and a divinely chosen group of women to help...

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Let's Connect. I want to share my secrets of reducing stress and enhancing your fertility.