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Fertile Minds Radio | Liz Langston on Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

Dealing with Postpartum Depression

Are you a new mom struggling to keep up? Do you feel like taking care of your child is way more work than you anticipated leaving you constantly overwhelmed? Or are you finding yourself in a constant emotional funk, while telling yourself you should feel happy? You could be suffering from postpartum depression.

Many women suffer from postpartum depression, and even more go undiagnosed with postpartum anxiety. The magnitude of the depression and/or anxiety can vary from one woman to the other. Some women suffer from severe postpartum depression including suicidal ideation, while others have a mild version constantly feeling like something just isn’t right.

When you are stuck in the thick of negative postpartum takedown, it can feel like it’s going to last forever. The good news is, it doesn’t have to, and there is a way out.

In today’s episode, we are honored to have Liz Langston join us. Liz is a postpartum coach and a...

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