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Fertile Minds Radio | DAY 7 #NIAW MEDITATION CHALLENGE | Developing a Practice You Will Stick With

fertility meditation Apr 25, 2021

How do we construct a practice that fits our life, one that we will actually keep coming back to? Those questions and more are answered along with a mantra for you to practice for the next 40 days to beckon a child into your life in the last day of our meditation challenge.


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Fertile Minds Radio | Day 3 #NIAW Meditation Challenge

Today's meditation will guide you through a journey of becoming reunited with the wisdom of your heart. We will discuss the concept of the Heart - Uterus connection as defined by Traditional Chinese Medicine. 



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Fertile Minds Radio Ep 20 | MINDFUL MOMENT | A Meditation to Help with Implantation While #TTC

A meditation to provide more peace and joy along your fertility road trip.

Description: Feelings of loneliness, fear, and doubt are universal to a woman during her fertility road trip. It is common to feel hopeful and confident one moment and then isolated and frazzled the next. Today’s mindful moment episode will be all about restoring more peace and joy into your space, and to remind you that we are all connected and can send healing energy and love to one another, especially during a time such as implantation.

We will dive deep in a meditation that came out organically as I was working with a lovely woman on her our experience. Today’s meditation will help you connect to your heart, let go of attachment, and breathe in faith and gratitude. To share your own fertility story, please email me at [email protected]. I look forward to connecting with you, as you are what this podcast is all about.



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Fertile Minds Radio Ep 12 | Mindful Moment | Gratitude Meditation

Practicing the habit of developing an attitude of gratitude.

Description: I am very thankful for the ability to share today’s episode with you. Creation of life is INTERNAL and it needs a relaxed state to begin, which is exactly why a gratitude practice can help. I invite you to see what unfolds when you commit to an attitude of gratitude. We talk about why it is a matter of health to call on positive emotions, how to start the process of being grateful, and why it’s important to stop waiting until things “are better.” I guide you through a meditation for gratitude to take with you on your day and ongoing journey with fertility.



[1:30] Oftentimes I’m asked, “What is the quickest way to get healthy or get pregnant?” My answer is simple. “Start focusing on the good things in your life. Take stock of what is benefiting you (people, behaviors, habits, environments) and lean into those areas of your life....

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Fertile Minds Radio Ep 9 | Forgiveness Meditation for Your Fertility Journey

A Fertility Meditation -Honing the Skill of Forgiveness

We are in interesting times. Everywhere you turn there seem to be intense emotions and angry accusations flying. From the #metoo to righteous anger over recent violent events, I thought it was a good time to record an antidote to all of this anger. Today we will be focusing on the skill of forgiveness. It's a skill that needs to be practiced in order to make it a permanent part of ourselves & anyone who's been trying to conceive can attest to the myriad of ways the Universe is presenting them with an opportunity to learn to forgive yourself and others. 



[:57] Anger is a powerful emotion and one that can cause great harm or tremendous growth. It's completely up to us how we choose to use it in our lives. And I say use it because it can create great movement in our lives and a fertility journey. Finally letting ourselves off the hook for something we did when we were 20, forgiving our partner if...

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Fertile Minds Radio Ep 5 | The Four Agreements Mindful Moments

fertility meditation Dec 26, 2017

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”


Episode 5- Mindful Moments and The Four Agreements

Thank you for joining me for the first installment of Mindful Moments on Fertile Minds Radio. If you listened to episode 1 or you have worked with me in the past than you already know meditation is a large part of what I do to keep rising towards the best version of myself AND a big part of what I teach to my patients in order to help them have a deeper inner awareness and to achieve high mental clarity. Now, you might be asking yourself what this has to do with fertility? 

In my opinion it has everything to do with conceiving and here’s why. I think of meditation as a tool that we can use to help cultivate peace during stressful times. It’s a practice that starts to leak into the rest of our daily...

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Let's Connect. I want to share my secrets of reducing stress and enhancing your fertility.